Frequently Asked Questions (updated October 2023)
In order to provide information to our members, we have developed the following questions and answers below. The current Board of Directors are committed to restoring safe water on a consistent basis as soon as possible to our families, neighbors, and friends as well as to our own homes.
Why am I out of water?
The RWD#5 water treatment facility is the primary source of water for the District. Secondary sources are Westville Utility Authority and Watts Public Works Authority. The District plant facilities are over 30 years old and are not able to support the increasing need of the members within our service area. RWD#5 utilizes our secondary sources of water when circumstances allow. Both Westville and Watts have been good partners to our District, but they must put priority on the needs of their members. Late July 2023, the water treatment facility was not operational, and our secondary sources of water were also unavailable.
The Board took immediate action to get the treatment facility operational as soon as possible. In addition, several matters are simultaneously being dealt with including continuing to partner with our secondary sources of water, having crews prioritize reported leaks, leak detection, and installing new meters which will ultimately assist with pinpointing leaks.
What is being done to address the water shortage long-term?
To address the water shortage long term, the Board has been partnering with Cherokee Nation Water and Sanitation and hired the consulting firm of OKAC to develop options for our water district. RWD#5 is a member of the Oklahoma Rural Water Association and we have requested their assistance on a number of issues including a Long-Range Sustainability Plan.
On October 6th, the Board held a special board meeting and voted to authorize OKAC to prepare a proposal regarding tying on to an additional water source contingent upon Cherokee Nation funding the project.
What are the possible options for future water sources for the District?
RWD5 Plant: The plant facilities are over 30 years old and already over maximum capacity.
Arkansas: Benton/Washington Regional Public Water Authority is the primary source of water for Westville Utility Authority. A representative informed RWD5 that they are at capacity and not accepting any new additions.
South Delaware County Regional Water Authority: Formerly known as Flint Ridge Rural Water District, this is a regional water treatment facility which was funded by EPA, USDA, IHS and Cherokee Nation. SDCRWA Board is comprised of one member from each participating water district. The Chewey Project line extension was recently completed and could be a possible option for a water source.
Why do some members have water but I do not?
It is our understanding that years ago, the Board expanded into the northern part of the District with the plan of a water project coordinated with the State, which ultimately fell through. The members with water are primarily on the “old” lines (Proctor) nearest to the treatment facility. Generally, those members without water are on the “newer” or northern part of the District (Chance, New Hope, Chewy). However, breaks or leaks will result in loss of water in that particular area.
When will my water be back on?
Unfortunately, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer to this question for all members. We realize the water shortage has impacted local businesses, farms and family daily life. RWD#5 did not get in this situation overnight but has been years in the making and it will not get completely remedied overnight.
The current Board of Directors are committed to restoring safe water on a consistent basis as soon as possible to our families, neighbors, and friends as well as to our own homes.
Why have blow off valves been locked?
Several months ago it came to our attention that some members have been utilizing blow off valves to fill swimming pools, wash equipment, and other purposes. The blow off valves have been locked for the following reasons;
- these blow off valves are the property of the District,
- usage of water from blow off valves is UNAUTHORIZED AND ILLEGAL as any backflow could contaminate the water supply for the entire District,
- water usage has not been billed to those members utilizing large quantities of water.
Exceptions have been made in regards to supplying water for our Rural Fire Departments operated by volunteers who protect and serve our communities.
There are currently three farms within the District that have authorized metered blow off valves, in other words they 1) have a backflow preventer 2) have been paying for the water usage for agricultural purposes. Please contact the District to request installation of metered blow off valves.
Is there a boil order?
Currently, there is not a mandatory boil order. However, with the inconsistency of water flow through the lines, it is recommended that you boil the water before ingesting. Please refer to the Facebook page and website for any updates.